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Whether you missed the last NJIVA meeting or attended and would like a summary, here are our latest updates.

CARES Act Funds: The EDA is still looking for guidance on eligibility criterion. NJIVA Associates delivered guidance to the EDA to help streamline the CARES Act application process. The timeline for distributing the money is anywhere between July and September. Waiting for these funds? Please share that status on social media to draw attention to our shared need for State relief.

AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN FOR THE ARTS?: Per the US Treasury, "The American Rescue Plan will deliver $350 billion for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs." Many states are looking at requesting a share of these dollars to kickstart their arts recovery program. Advocating for the same in NJ is something we should begin thinking about, despite the challenge of simultaneously working toward obtaining CARES Act relief funds. Please let me know if obtaining ARP funds for the arts is something you are working on by reaching out to me at

Executive Order 242 (May 24, 2021): This EO lifts most State-required mask and social distancing requirements, among other changes. Businesses can require masks, social distancing, and vaccination proof if they choose. Read the EO summary on our blog post.

We are looking to increase press coverage of the plight of New Jersey's indie venues. If you have contacts and would like to assist, please feel free to reach out to to bring attention to this important matter.

Stay tuned to our emails, blogs, and social media for news about the status of State relief funds.


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