The application for the Shuttered Venue Operator Grant will open APRIL 8, HERE.
HERE'S WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR about how to prepare for the SBA's SVOG program, all in one handy place (NOTE: there is more information being learned every day so keep an eye on NIVA's member portal and read the newsletter). Apply to be Member of NIVA (its free to apply) and sign up for our New Jersey - IVA or “NJIVA” email list here.
1. Register your SAM account (what’s this?) with CAGE Code assignment. (If you do not have a CAGE Code, you will be assigned one during the SAM registration process. HERE is a slide show that provides a lot of helpful info about this SAM). If all else fails, file a SAM incident report and request assistance at this number: 866-606-8220.
The SBA has provided a video about this as well, it is HERE.
2. Read carefully all the materials that the SBA has provided:
REGISTER FOR THE SBA SVOG WEBINAR HERE (it's Tuesday March 30 at 2:30 PM Eastern Time)
READ the SBA's FAQs about the SVOG HERE
READ THE PRELIMINARY APPLICATION CHECKLIST HERE to help you gather documents and other information that may be needed. NOTE this checklist has several forms: TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO FILL OUT ALL THESE FORMS AND HAVE THEM READY TO UPLOAD (unclear about the exact format yet - just make sure you are ready to fill out / sign these forms, all of which are fairly simple certifications):
Certification of Drug Free Workplace
SBA form 1623
SBA form 1711
READ THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS CHART HERE to help you determine if you are eligible.
3. Know your DUNS number (what’s this?). If you aren't sure what it is, you can look up your DUNS number HERE. Find support for DUNS questions here:
4. REGISTER for an account at Grants.Gov. This only takes a few minutes, but you need to have your SAM account and DUNS number handy.
5. Gather your 2021, 2020 and 2019 financials by month.
6. Gather your 2019 tax returns (and 2020, if you've filed).
7. Read through the draft application / portal HERE. It is not final, but it is very likely close to the version we'll see on April 8.
8. PLAN HOW YOU WILL SPEND THE GRANT. There will be a section on the Grant Application that requires you to lay out your budget for how you will spend the money you receive. We realize that it's difficult to predict exactly, but as with all grants, you are required to have a plan before the government will issue you a grant. Plan ahead - look at your budget for the following areas: payroll, rent, utility, mortgage and debt pmts, worker protection, pmts to independent contractors, maintenance, supplies, equipment, admin costs, fees, licenses, operating leases, insurance, advertising, production. NOTE: this is how the SBA has broken it down into categories on the draft application form (which again, is HERE).
9. Gather all your payroll information and records of contractors paid for 2019 and 2020.
10. Gather all your box office reports and/or other evidence of how you paid musicians, sold tickets, etc. We'll find out soon what types of docs and formats will be acceptable - just pull together everything you can.
11. Gather your marketing materials - ad packs, any types of materials you might have. We'll find out soon what types of docs and formats will be acceptable - just pull together everything you can.
12. Have a floor plan of your venue (for venue operators). How detailed? Enough to show where the sound system, mixing board and other operational necessities are located. We'll find out soon what types of docs and formats will be acceptable - just pull together everything you can.
Within each priority period, the applications will be processed in the order they were received, so be sure you have everything on the list below ready to go.
If you have specific questions, lean on your local SBA SBDC and SCORE offices - they have offered to help, and they are there to help you sort out any issues you have with difficulties understanding any of the steps above.